The School Data Dashboard makes it easy for you to get the data you need to make informed decisions around coaching and supporting teachers. To learn more about the definitions of each metric on the dashboard, please see Glossary and suggestions to try for the School Data Dashboard.
In this article, you can find information about:
- What is each section of the Dashboard?
- How do I get to the School Data Dashboard?
- How often is the dashboard updated?
- How do I download data from the dashboards?
What is each section of the School Data Dashboard?
Student Outcomes
The Student Outcomes section gives you a high-level view of how your school is doing in the most important categories. You can hover over and click into any metric to see the students in each respective category.
Implementation Progress 
The Implementation Progress section provides you with more detail on specific instructional actions. You can click into any of the metric percentages to see a list of students or click into "View Details" to get more information, such as data by teacher, course, or student.
Student Outcomes Over Time

The Student Outcomes Over Time dashboard helps you see school data over the course of the year. From the top left, you can filter the data (by Courses, Overdue Projects, Power Focus Areas, Cognitive Skills, and Math Units) so that you can view trends for those specific metrics. You can hover over past dates to see historical data.
How do I get to the School Data Dashboard?
To get to the Student Outcomes dashboard:
- From the left navigation menu, click Educator Tools
- Select School Data
- If you land on the Launch Metrics Dashboard, click School Data Dashboard from the dropdown
How often is the dashboard updated?
The dashboard is updated daily and therefore meant to show a day-by-day view of your school’s metrics. You can see the last updated time directly on the School Data Dashboard page.
Note: Although there is a "Reload" button on the dashboard next to some of the charts, this button only reloads the page—it does not refresh the data. All metrics are updated at the same time, once a day.
How do I download data from the dashboards?
There are multiple ways and formats in which you can download data from the dashboard. Below are the two most straightforward and recommended ways.
Downloading from Student Outcomes Progress
You can download lists of students from the larger metrics directly on the Home page. To do this
1) Hover over the top right corner of the metric and three dots will appear. Click the three dots
2) Click Download data
3) Choose the format in which you would like to receive the data (Recommended: CSV)
4) Click Download
5) File will download directly to your computer with a list of students that apply to the metric
Downloading from Implementation Progress
1) Click into a metric
2)Click Drill-down from the menu
3) A window with the list of students should pop up. In the top right corner, click Download
4) Choose the format in which you would like to download the data (Recommended: CSV)
5) Click Download
6) File will download directly to your computer with a list of students that apply to the metric
Downloading from a Grade Level breakdown report
1) Click into the Grade Levels tab
2) Click into a category (ex. No Overdue Projects) and then click into Drill-down
3) Click Download in the top right corner
4) Choose the format in which you would like to download the data (Recommended: CSV)
5) Click Download
6) File will download directly to your computer with a list of students that apply to the metric