Launch Metrics Dashboard for School Leaders Overview


During the back-to-school period, schools engage in a key set of actions/activities that set the pace for the rest of the year. Focusing on these key back-to-school actions can help schools set a more rigorous instructional pace for the rest of the year. 

The newly updated Launch Metrics Dashboard lets school leaders see how their schools are progressing on the most important back-to-school actions. Each page of the dashboard provides relevant information that school leaders can use to inform how they support and coach teachers.

In this article, you can find information on: 

What has changed?

The format of the Launch Metrics has changed slightly to align closer with the School Data Dashboard. The information on the Launch Metrics remains the same, and you can use the Glossary below to better understand the metrics. 

Dashboard information can now be downloaded by clicking the three dots on the right side. Dashboards can only be downloaded as CSV files.


How do I get to the Launch Metrics Dashboard?

During the back-to-school period, the Launch Metrics Dashboard should be your default view from the School Data page. To get to the Launch Metrics Dashboard:

  1. From your left menu, click Educator Tools
  2. Click the School Data tile
  3. You should land on the Launch Metrics Dashboard during the back-to-school period!

If it's after the back-to-school period, you can view the Launch Metrics Dashboard by: 

  1. From your left menu, click Educator Tools
  2. Click the School Data tile
  3. From the top right, click the School Data Dashboard dropdown
  4. You should now see the Launch Metrics Dashboard!

When should I use the Launch Metrics Dashboard? 

Use the Launch Metrics Dashboard at the beginning of the school year. We recommend schools switch to the School Data Dashboard after they’ve met their targets for the “Implement” phase. While the numeric targets may be different for each school, by default this would mean at least 80% on the Prepare, Kick-Off, and Implement metrics.


Glossary and suggestions to try for each launch metric

Priority Metrics



Launch Phase

Accompanying Metrics

Suggested Actions

Assigned a mentor


% of students who are assigned a mentor.

 Prepare for the year N/A

Check out this article for school leaders on how to assign a mentor to a student.

Assigned first project/unit 


% of core-sections that have assigned first project to 80% of students.

Kick off launch 

Check the "Clicked final products" metric. While a teacher can assign a project at any time, it is recommended that they internalize and plan for the project first. This requires understanding the Final Products to be able to backwards plan.

Ensure teachers know how to assign their first project or Math Unit.

Completed first check-in


% of students who have received their first check-in.

Implement a strong start 

Check the "Have a mentor" metric. If students have not been assigned a mentor, then they cannot complete a mentor check-in.

Ensure teachers know how to use the mentoring tool

Provided checkpoint feedback


% of core-sections where the teacher has provided Checkpoint feedback (R/Y/G or incomplete) to 80% of their students.

Implement a strong start  

Check the “Requested feedback" metric. A teacher can still give Checkpoint feedback even if a student has not submitted a Checkpoint, but ideally students are requesting feedback by submitting one.

Ensure teachers know how to give Checkpoint feedback on the platform. 

Lead a PD session around effective feedback systems.




Launch Phase

Accompanying Metric

Suggested Actions

Clicked final products

% of core-sections with at least one teacher who clicked through all Final Products/End-of-Unit Assessments in their first project/Math Unit before assigning. 

Prepare for the year  N/A

Follow up with teachers to ensure they are engaging in appropriate planning for their first project or Math Unit.

Have recommended projects

% of core-sections with at least 75% of all projects from recommended projects from the Base Curriculum.

Prepare for the year  N/A

Review and communicate the recommended Base Curriculum courses.


Attempted first PFA 

% of students who have attempted their first PFA in a core class.

Implement a strong start  N/A

Support teachers or grade levels to complete an action plan to refresh their self-directed learning norms and routines.

Edited a Notebook

% of core-non-math sections where 80% of students have edited an assigned Notebook.

Implement a strong start 

Check the "Have assigned projects" metric. If students haven't been assigned a project then they won't be able to start editing their Notebooks.

Conduct classroom visits to better understand if and how students are completing work during class time.

Provided comment feedback

% of core non-math sections where the teacher has provided Notebook comments (including audio comments) to 80% of their students.

Implement a strong start  

Check the "Edited a Notebook" metric. If students haven't started working on Notebooks, there won't be anything to give comment feedback on.

Ensure teachers know how to give comment feedback.

Submitted Checkpoints

% of core-sections where 80% of students have submitted a Checkpoint.

Implement a strong start 

Check the "Edited a Notebook" metric. If students haven't been working on Notebooks then they won't have a Checkpoint to submit.

Revisit teachers' project preparation tools and support them in getting back on track to their project due date.

Passed first PFA

% of students who have passed their first Power Focus Area in a core class.

 Wrap up launch

Check the "Attempted first PFA" metric. If students aren't attempting Power Focus Areas, then they have not yet had an opportunity to pass one.

Implement a strategy to help students get back on track.

Submitted first EUA

% of core-sections where 80% of students have submitted their first End-of-Unit Assessment.

Wrap up launch 

Check the “Provided checkpoint feedback" metric. If students are not getting timely, helpful formative feedback on their Cool-downs, they may not be ready for the EOU Assessment.

Ensure teachers know how to administer End-of-Unit Assessments on the platform.

Submitted first project

% of core-non-math sections where 80% of students have submitted their first project.

Wrap up launch 

Check the "Provided checkpoint feedback" and "Provided comment feedback" metrics. If students are not getting timely helpful formative feedback, it can be difficult for them to know how to submit the final products.

Revisit teachers' project preparation tools and support them in getting back on track to their project due date.

Note: Core-sections are sections for core subjects (English, Math, History, and Science). Elective and language sections will not appear in the Launch Data Dashboard.

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