How Do I Use the Specialist's Hub?

On this article you will learn more about:


How do I set up my Specialist’s Hub?

Users with the Admin and/or the Specialist role permissions can access the Specialist’s Hub, but only users with the Specialist role can edit information on students’ Specialized Support Profiles. (Learn more about how users with administrator permissions can enable the Specialist role here.)


1. Go to the Specialist’s Hub tab from the left navigation menu


2. Information about Specialized Support Profiles will pop-up. Read about Specialized Support Profiles and click “Next”


3. Search and select students for whom you’d like to create profiles and click “Nextcreate_profiles_student_search_modal.jpg

4. Select one student's profile to add information and click “Go to profilego_to_profile.jpg

5. You’ll now see that student’s profile! Enter information within the Defined Learning Needs and Areas to the Support section of a student’s profile

6. You’ve created a Specialized Support Profile—all teachers who teach this student will see this information!




How do I use the Specialist’s Hub?

Only users with the Specialist role have access to the Specialist's Hub. (Learn more about how users with administrator permissions can enable the Specialist role here.)


When clicking on the Specialist’s Hub tab as a Specialist, you will see a list of all of the Specialized Support Profiles for students that you have added to your Hub.


For each student, you can see the most recent message posted on their Specialized Support Profile Page, their Grade Level, and the time of the last update to their profile.  


How do I filter my view in the Specialist's Hub?

You can filter the view of your Specialist’s Hub to more easily manage your students. To filter,

  1. Select the Filter dropdown at the top
  2. Select and enter details for the filter that you want to apply
  3. If you want to add an additional filter, click +Add Filter
  4. To remove a previously selected filter, click the X on the right hand sideSSP_x_clear_filter.png


How do I create groups of students in my Specialist’s Hub?

You can create groups of students that are in your Specialist’s Hub to more easily manage the students that you support.

To create a new group, 

  1. Select the Create New dropdown in the upper right corner and then select Create New Groupcreate_new_group.png
  2. Fill out What would you like to call this Specialized Support Group? and click Next (Note: do not include PII within the name of your group)
  3. Search and select students that you would like to add to your group and click Create Group 
  4. You can see which groups your students are in by viewing the Support Groups column in the Specialist’s Hubsupport_groups.png


To add or remove a student from a group,

  1. Select the checkbox next to the student(s) you want to add to or remove from a group
  2. Click Manage Profiles
  3. Select if you would like to remove or add the student(s) to support groups, or remove from your Hub





How do I enter details into Specialized Support Profiles?

Specialized Support Profiles can only be created and edited by a Specialist. If you need to create or edit a Profile, please contact your school’s platform admin to be assigned this role. 

To access an already created student's Specialized Student Profile,

  1. Click on the "Specialist’s Hub" in the left navigation bar
  2. Click on the name of the student

Within the Specialized Support Profile page, Specialists can enter information within the Defined Learning Needs and Support Areas section of a student’s profile. All teachers who teach the student can view these sections of the profile. 

For more information about the Support Areas and best practices, check out this resource in the Learning Space.


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