How do I post an announcement to my school?

Platform admins can post announcements to all students directly on the platform. You can use announcements to send students any message you would like, such as school-wide updates or post links to new resources.

Teachers at your school will not see admins' school-wide announcements, but teachers can share their own announcements with students in their courses.

Students also land on the Announcements page when they first login to the platform.



To post an announcement:

  1. Click Announcements in the left navigation bar
  2. Select Post an announcement to students


  3. Select the students who should see your announcement
  4. Enter a title for your announcement
  5. Type in the content of the announcement
  6. If applicable, add in a link 
  7. Click Post

All students at your school will see announcements. To learn about editing announcements, check out our article about posting announcements to your students.

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