The Summit Learning platform is designed to allow students to continue working on their courses even after the last day of school. Here are some common questions about summer that may be helpful for your planning:
- What do I need to do to prepare for the end of the school year?
- Can students work on projects/Math Units assigned during the school year after the last platform date?
- Can students work on Focus Areas after the last platform date?
- Can teachers assign, edit or create projects after the last platform date?
- Can teachers edit Focus Areas after the last platform date?
- Can another teacher teach your course during your summer program?
- How can I see all of my summer program students in one place?
What do I need to do to prepare for the end of the school year?
Administrators: please verify your last day of school on the platform. Platform pacing Dates control the pacing of Focus Areas such that incomplete Power Focus Areas will result in an off-track grade on the last platform date.
Can students work on projects/Math Units assigned during the school year after the last platform date?
Yes. Students are always able to submit assigned Checkpoints, Cool-downs, and Final Products. Teachers will be able to score those Final Products and student grades will update to reflect progress.
Can students work on Focus Areas after the last platform date?
Yes. Students are always able to access resources, take diagnostic assessments, and request Content Assessments. Student grades will update to reflect progress.
Note: There will be no blue pacing line for students who continue to work after the last platform date has passed.
Can teachers assign, edit, or create projects after the last platform date?
Yes. Teachers can assign, edit, and create new projects after the last platform date.
Important note: Once a project is assigned, students are immediately held responsible for that project on the platform. Please make sure that if you are assigning new projects out to students over the summer, only students that should work on those projects are assigned. You can assign projects to specific students from the Assign flow.
Can teachers edit Focus Areas after the last platform date?
Yes. Teachers with the Curriculum Author role are always able to edit existing Focus Areas for courses, even if the school year has ended.
Can another teacher teach your course during your summer program?
Yes. The extended-year teacher should be added to the teacher’s section to teach the course over the summer. More information on how to do this is available here. Additionally, if your school uses school-wide sharing, the summer program teacher can “Edit As” other teachers at your site.
Note: All the current teachers will need to share the Project Folder in Google Drive with the summer program teacher. More information on how to do this is available here.
How can I see all of my summer program students in one place?
If you’ll be monitoring student progress and proctoring assessments, you may want to create a section for a specific group of students. We recommend creating the section as a Mentor section rather than tying it to a specific course in your curriculum. Once you’ve added students to your section, it will be available as a Student Progress View.