If your school uses Clever, please visit our article on how to sync your Student Information System (SIS) with Clever.
For schools using manual enrollment, to add student information to the platform, you need to upload your student roster.
This roster includes student emails, first names, last names, grade levels, school IDs, State IDs, and SIS IDs.
Use these steps to upload your roster information:
- In the platform, click Setup
- On the next page, select Data Uploads
- Under Select Data Type, select Current Student Roster
- Download the Student Roster Template
- Add student emails, first names, last names, grade levels, school IDs, State IDs, and SIS IDs to the template
- Once you’ve created your student roster .csv, click Choose a file and select your student roster .csv
- Upload your file. If there are errors, update your .csv to fix the errors and upload again
If you still have trouble uploading your data, submit a help ticket, and our team will work with you to upload your file.