How do I regrade Content Assessments?

Teachers can mark explicit response questions as correct if there is an error with grading for student's Content Assessments. This can only be done for explicit response questions, and will not show up for questions that are not explicit response.


Teachers can do this from the assessment approval screen.

1. From the left navigation menu, click Student Progress
2. Select the grade level of the student you want to regrade the assessment for
3. Click the Assessments tab 
4. Under Activity, find the student's assessment and click View 
5. From the assessment, check the Mark as Correct box for all explicit response questions that were marked incorrect 
6. Click Confirm at the bottom of the page

View Content Assessment.png

If the assessment is no longer in the Activity section in the Student Progress Views page, teachers can also click into the Assessment from the teacher data tables.

1. From the left navigation menu, click the Course page
2. Click the Students tab 
3. Click the Focus area progress column 
4. Find the student's name and click the Focus Area that the Assessment is from
5. Click See All Attempts 
6. From the assessment, check the Mark as Correct box for all explicit response questions that were marked incorrect 
7. Click Confirm at the bottom of the page

See all Attempts.png


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