How can I access my students' MAP Data?

MAP data is uploaded to the platform by an Admin after NWEA publishes student scores. This data provides valuable insights into how your students are performing. 

To see your students' MAP data:

  1. From the left navigation menu, click Educator Tools.
  2. From the Educator Tools index page, click MAP Data.
  3. Select the Test Term for which you want to see data.
  4. You will see an overview of your students, along with a breakdown of scores for each section that you teach. 

You may share the page that you are viewing with other administrators at your school by sending them the URL of the page. Either copy the URL manually or click the Share URL button to automatically copy the URL to your clipboard. Note that you may only share the URL with administrators at your school. Other teachers will not have access to your URL.


To learn how to understand MAP Data bars, read this article.

For information on MAP Data terminology, read this article.

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