This article will cover how to pace and plan your Math Units using the Plans tab:
- How do I add agendas to my Math Units in the Plans tab?
- How do I assign Resources and Activities to students from the Plans tab?
- How do I recopy my Plans for Math Units?
- What do the icons in my Plans mean?
How do I add agendas to my Math Units in the Plans tab?
The Plans tab allows you to work from agendas (either from the Base Curriculum or your own) to help with project pacing and planning. Each project is broken down into Days, which contain their own agenda items.
To access the Plans tab:
- Go to the Math Unit.
- Click Plans to the right of Overview.
The first time you open a Project and view the Plans, you will be viewing the Shared Teacher Plans template that everyone from your school sees. In order to modify the Plans for your own class, you will need to make your own copy of the Plans using the dropdown in the upper right. This creates a personal copy of the Project agenda for yourself that you can customize without affecting other teachers who teach the course.
To make Plans visible to students, you must first make your own copy of the Plans using the dropdown in the upper right. Once you have created a personal copy, select the Shared to Students checkbox at the top of each Day you would like to share:
To add a day to a plan:
- Click Organize/Add below the list of Days on the left.
- Select Add Day.
- (Optional) Title each Day. They will be titled Day 1, Day 2, etc. by default.
To rearrange or remove days:
- Click Organize/Add below the list of Days on the left.
- To organize Days into a different order, click and hold the three dots ⋮ to the right of the Day. you'd like to move and drag the Day to its new place.
- To remove a Day, click the ✕ to the right of the Day you'd like to delete.
Note: You cannot undo deleting a Day of the Plans.
To add an agenda item:
- Click Add Agenda Item.
- Title the agenda.
- Add a description.
- Designate how many minutes students should spend on this item.
- Select a Math Unit component (Checkpoint, End-of-Unit Assessment) to focus on.
- Toggle whether students should collaborate on the activity.
- Select whether students or teachers will lead the activity.
To edit an agenda item:
- To the right of the agenda item, click Edit.
- To delete the agenda, click Delete in the lower left.
To add or edit student-facing or teacher-facing notes:
- Click Edit next to the section you want.
- Type the notes, then click Save.
How do I assign Resources and Activities to students from the Plans tab?
Teachers can tag activities and resources for specific groups of students created in the Learners tab. These scaffolds or challenges can then be assigned specifically to these groups of students directly from the Plans tab.
Note that resource tags can only be added by Curriculum Authors.
To tag an activity or resource for a specific group:
- Click Edit Math Unit.
- Select Activities and Resources from the left menu.
- Click on the title of the Activity or Resource.
- Click Add a Tag under Who Gets This Activity/Resource?
- Select your tag and Add, then Close.
To assign an activity or resource to specific students or groups of students by following the steps in this article.
How do I recopy my Plans for Math Units?
In order to use the Plans from your school's curriculum instead of your own copy:
- On the Plans tab, click on the dropdown menu in the upper right that says My Plans.
- In the menu that appears, select Replace My Plans with Shared Plans.