What data is collected and why is it needed?

Our Privacy Policy provides a full explanation of the type of information we collect and how we use it.  

The information in the Summit Learning platform is essential for the success of students in the Summit Learning Program. Data allows teachers to see how their students are performing daily and to use that information to personalize instruction and provide additional support through mentoring and coaching. It allows students to see a real-time snapshot of their performance and progress, as well as giving parents/guardians access to their student's educational experience. It also allows school principals and district administrators to analyze achievement gaps between groups of students and design interventions to close them.

Summit Learning is committed to being transparent about the information we collect and how we use it. Below is a detailed list of the types of data that districts and schools can provide to Summit Learning for use in the Summit Learning Platform. Note: just because a data type is listed below, does not mean that it is included in the Platform for all schools.  Schools have choices about the types of information they add into the Platform (e.g. standardized test scores), and we encourage parents/guardians to reach out to their school to learn more about their specific configuration of Summit Learning.

Below is a list of some of the types of Student personal information Summit Learning may collect through the Summit Learning Platform and examples of how it is used in the Summit Learning Program:  

  1. Application Technology Meta-Data.  

We automatically collect information when users visit and engage with the Summit Learning Platform, including through the collection of IP addresses and Cookies.  We use the information collected by these technologies as described in our Privacy Policy and Cookie FAQ, including to better help us identify the origin of technical issues, and support user login and security. For example, browser settings enable students, teachers, and parents to stay logged in while they go to different areas of the Platform.

  1. Application Use Statistics.

We also automatically collect information about how users and visitors engage with the various features of the Summit Learning Platform.  We use this “Engagement Data” information as described in our Privacy Policy and Cookie FAQ including, to identify resources and features in the Platform that users find useful.  For example, if there are resources that teachers access repeatedly, that may be a sign that they see value in those resources. Conversely, if there are resources that teachers don’t use often, that could be a sign that there is room for improvement. The same applies to student interactions with resources.

  1. Assessment Data.
  • Standardized test data (NWEA MAP, SBAC, AP, IB, etc): Across the country, districts and states have many different ways of assessing their students. Schools may want to understand the connection between progress in the Summit Learning Program and progress on other assessments. Additionally, information from these assessments can enable Summit Learning to better identify resources to meet student needs.
  • Observation data: Teachers use observations as another way of determining the progress students are making. For example, they may observe student peer interactions through project work. Student performance on some projects is assessed by oral presentation, and the teacher is able to input feedback and grades for those presentations.
  1. Attendance: Schools may choose to use this information to help them monitor for chronic absence, which can have an adverse impact on student achievement.
  • Student school (daily) attendance data
  • Student class attendance data
  • Other attendance: Suspensions/expulsions
  1. Demographics: Schools may choose to provide demographic data in order to better understand how Summit Learning Program is meeting the needs of their diverse student populations. This includes the below types of information.
  • Date or year of birth
  • Gender
  • Ethnicity or race
  • Language information (native, preferred or primary language spoken by the student)
  • Other demographic information - Socioeconomic status
  1. Enrollment Information of Students:
  • Student grade level
  • Homeroom. Help us to have students engage with their teachers.
  • Guidance counselor (mentor): Every Summit Learning Program student is appointed a mentor at their school - usually a teacher (or another adult in the school).  Mentors work closely with their mentees (students) in order to support them in achieving their personal goals. The mentor (teacher) name is tagged to the students they mentor. This enables the mentors to see at a glance the progress of their mentees and provide direct support and coaching.
  • Specific curriculum programs: This is specifically referencing the courses a student is enrolled in, similar to “student scheduled courses” below.
  • Year of graduation: This helps teachers and schools plan academic programs in relation to their graduation date.
  1. Parent/Guardian Contact Information.  Schools share parent/guardian contact information  in order to enable Summit Learning to set parents/guardians up with login credentials that are connected to their student’s account, including email and phone.
  • Email: Parents/guardians have visibility into their student’s progress at school via direct access to the Summit Learning Platform. Schools share parent emails with us in order to enable us to set parents/guardians up with login credentials that are connected to their student’s account.  
  • Phone: Schools can voluntarily choose to send text messages through the Summit Learning Platform to parents/guardians about their student’s progress at school. For example, if a student has an assignment due, the school could send a text message to parents/guardians encouraging them to ask their student about the assignment and/or engage with them about their progress. Parents/guardians can opt-out of these text messages at any time by replying STOP to the text messages.
  1. Parent/Guardian ID
  • Parent ID number (created to link parents/guardians to students): In order for parents/guardians to see the progress of their student, they need to be “connected” to that particular student. This connection typically happens at a school district level and that link enables parents/guardians to log into the Summit Learning Platform.
  1. Parent/Guardian Name
  • First and/or last: This helps Summit Learning to work with schools to personalize communications to families. For example, if schools choose to send text messages to parents/guardians about their student’s progress, the message will be personalized instead of reading ‘dear parent.’
  1. Schedule
  • Student scheduled courses
  • Teacher names:

Every school operates on a schedule which details the students in specific courses as well as who the teachers are. Schools need to connect students to courses and the teachers teaching them.

  1. Special Indicator
  • English language learner information
  • Low-income status
  • Student disability information
  • Specialized education services (IEP or 504):

To ensure diverse student populations are being served equitably, schools and districts often breakdown data into subgroups in order to assess the progress of typically underserved student populations. This has become a best practice for those who want to understand how they are meeting the needs of their diverse student populations enabling educators to identify and address achievement gaps.

Note: If this information is shared with Summit Learning, it is done so voluntarily by the school.

  1. Student Contact Information
  • Email: Email addresses are needed to set up a student’s account in the Summit Learning Platform. The email address is not generated by Summit Learning. It is provided by the school or district. The Summit Learning Program does not send emails to students, does not have access to student inboxes, and does not collect email addresses directly from students.
  1. Student Identifiers
  • Local (school district) ID number
  • State ID number
  • Vendor/App assigned student ID number

Districts and schools have multiple ID numbers that they use to identify students. For example, districts typically have one ID number that they use at the local, district level and a separate ID number that they use at the state level.  Student Information Systems (SIS) are data systems that schools use to store information about their students. Every school has one. They commonly include enrollment, attendance, schedules, grades and contact information.Schools and districts are responsible for maintaining their own SIS.  Each system has unique identifiers for students.

In order for teachers to have accurate and up-to-date information on students, these systems with varying ID numbers for the same student need to be able to talk to each other.  The student identifiers allow for this to happen. For example, it is important for districts that grades in the Summit Learning Platform are also logged into their SIS. As another example, the state and district ID numbers are used to align reporting requirements and ensure accurate information in the Platform and in the school’s own information.

We believe that this is common practice in education.

  1. Student Name
  • First and/or last: Required to set up a student account on the Summit Learning Platform and is provided by the student’s school (not collected directly from the student).
  1. Student In-App Performance
  • Program/application performance (e.g. reading program-student reads below grade level): Summit Learning is committed to continuous improvement and often learn by identifying strong connections between improved student outcomes and decisions students make as they move through the Summit Learning Platform. For example, we found that students who rush through content tend to score lower on assessments. As a result, we created a feature: if a student fails a test (content assessment) for a unit of content and tries to retake the test too quickly (ie. they haven't reread any resources), the Summit Learning Platform could suggest that they study more before retaking the assessment. Teachers can see how many times a student attempts a test (content assessment), therefore, they know exactly when to step in to provide support, often teaching students 1:1 or in small groups.
  1. Student Program Membership
  • Academic or extracurricular activities a student may belong to or participate in: Through the Summit Learning Program, students are supported not only by their subject-area teachers, but by a designated mentor at their school. Through weekly check-ins, mentors get to know their mentees deeply in order to help support them in reaching their personal goals. Part of getting to know a student includes understanding their passions and interests. These conversations are also a helpful part of the college planning process (e.g. they can help with their college application essay).
  1. Student Survey Responses
  • Student responses to surveys or questionnaires: These optional student surveys are carried out in order to better understand a student’s experience with Summit Learning Program. We anonymize the responses. While the Summit Learning Program does not require students to complete surveys, districts and schools ultimately make the decision on whether or not their students are required to participate.  
  1. Student work
  • Student-generated content; writing, pictures etc: Through the course of the school year, students can upload information to the Summit Learning Platform including, for example, notes about their progress, their personal goals for the week or their final products for a particular project.
  1. Student Outcome Information and Transcript
  • Student outcome information (grade level promotion and matriculation, AP and IB test information, college admission test scores, college eligibility and acceptance, and employment)
  • Student course data
  • Student course grades/performance scores

This information helps Summit Learning understand how the Summit Learning Program is meeting the needs of students nationwide. It also enables the school to understand student progress in order to better tailor classroom instruction. Additionally, we believe students should have visibility in order to track their progress towards their personal goals.

  1. Other
  • Additional data element used, stored or collected by our application includes:
    • Teacher feedback on coursework
    • Teacher curricula and notes and feedback to or about students
    • Teacher and parent answers to surveys about the services or curricula; and feedback, suggestions, questions, and ideas submitted to us from parents/guardians/legal guardians, teachers or school administrators or officials

All of this information is used to deliver a tailored educational experience to all students.

Feedback from teachers to students provides students and parents/guardians with the ability to view a student’s progress, strengths and areas for progress, as well as goals and more.

The purpose of the surveys is to gather teacher and parent feedback on the personalized learning experience. Surveys aren’t a requirement of Summit Learning, instead, schools decide whether to opt-into them.  This information is used to prioritize improvements to resources and the overall program.

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