What is the Summit Learning Platform?

Through the Summit Learning Program, teachers, students, and families have access to a software platform: the Summit Learning Platform. Developed by educators, the Platform includes a complete curriculum for grades 4-12 with projects, content, and assessments—all of which can be customized by schools.

Just like schools have filing cabinets containing homework, report cards, and teacher notes, the Summit Learning Platform provides a central place to help teachers and students organize their work. The Platform also offers additional features to support teachers, students, and parents/guardians.  For example:

  • Teachers use the Platform to track student progress and provide individualized support to meet students’ needs.
  • Parents/guardians can log in to see exactly what their student is working on and how they’re progressing at any given time.
  • Students use the Platform to access learning resources, submit assignments, receive feedback from teachers, set goals, and reflect on their learning.

Learn more about the development of the Summit Learning Platform: https://blog.summitlearning.org/2017/10/summit-technology-story/.

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