Logging into the Summit Learning platform

If you have a platform account, you can log into the Summit Learning platform. If you're unsure if you have an account, please check with your school leader to make sure they've created one for you

The Summit Learning platform uses Google Drive or Microsoft One Drive authorization. To log into the platform, your account must be associated with a Google or One Drive email. 

This article will cover:

How to log into the Summit Learning platform?

To log into the Summit Learning platform:

  1. Use a Chrome browser to access https://www.summitlearning.org
  2. Select Login in the upper right corner
  3. Select your Document Provider
  4. Sign in with your Google Apps for Education or One Drive account


What to do if you're seeing error messages when logging in


If so, you’re probably logged into a Gmail account that's not your school email account. You have three options:

  1. Go to https://www.google.com/gmail and log out of your other accounts on Gmail
  2. Open a private browsing window (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge), then log in to your school Gmail account on this private browsing window
  3. Designate one web browser for using the Summit Learning platform with your school email account, while using another web browser for other email accounts

Troubleshooting One Drive log-in issues

If you are seeing an error message associated with your One Drive account, an admin at your district needs to change your settings to allow you to sign in with One Drive.

  1. Go to https://portal.office.com/adminportal/home#/Settings/ServicesAndAddIns
  2. Log in as an admin for your school’s Office site
  3. Click on “Integrated Apps”
  4. For the setting that says “Let people in your organization decide whether third-party apps can access their Office 365 information”, make sure it is ONmceclip2.png
  5. If it was not ON, then please switch it to ON and then click Savemceclip3.png
  6. You should now be able to log in with your OneDrive account
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