Creating Parent/Guardian Accounts

This article will cover how to create, edit, and remove parent accounts: 

Where can I create and edit parent/guardian accounts? 

You can create and edit accounts for parents/guardians:

    1. Click on the Setup from the menu on the left
    2. Click Students
    3. Click ic_more_vert_black_24dp_2x.png
    4. Find the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) section
    5. Click Edit
    6. Click Add Parent
    7. Enter the parent’s first name, last name, email address and phone number
    8. If you want to add a second parent, click Add Parent
    9. Click Save

To bulk import parent accounts into the Platform, admins can use the Parent Info Importer.


  • If a parent has an existing account at another school, admins can link students using the importer.
  • Parents can update their emails and phone numbers themselves following these instructions.
  • You can add the same parent/guardian for more than one student. Click + Add Parent and then add their first name, last name, and email address. You'll have to make sure to enter the same exact email address for the parent/guardian. 

How do I delete a parent/guardian account? 

If you wish to remove a parent/guardian account:

  1. Click on the Setup from the menu on the left
  2. Click Students
  3. Click ic_more_vert_black_24dp_2x.png
  4. Find the Parent(s)/Guardian(s) section
  5. Click Edit
  6. Click Remove ParentRemove_Parent.png
  7. Click Ok when prompted with "Are you sure you want to remove this parent?"
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