How do I match courses with sections when using Clever?

Once you’ve synced sections, you’ll need to match courses in the platform with the sections you teach. 

The steps for adding and removing courses from Clever-synced sections are the same as those for manually set up sections.

You cannot add your platform courses to sections through your Student Information System (SIS) or Clever; it must be done directly on the platform.

In this article you will find:

Add a course to a section

  1. Select Setup from the left menu
  2. Select Sections
  3. Find the section you would like to add or remove courses from, click the pencil_icon.pngpencil icon to the right of the section
  4. Select Courses from the tab at the top
  5. Click Add another course to this section to add a course

  6. Select the course you want to add by clicking on the drop-down menus for both Subject and the Suggested courses.

Remove a course from a section

  1. Select Setup from the left menu
  2. Select Sections
  3. Find the section you would like to add or remove courses from, click the pencil_icon.pngpencil icon to the right of the section
  4. Select Courses from the tab at the top
  5. Click Remove to delete a course from the section

Note: Adding or removing courses will change the courses that students see when they login to their platform
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