In order to share data through Clever, you'll need to complete the following steps. You can also refer to the guides attached at the end of this article to walk you through the process.
The steps include:
- 1. Prepare your Student Information System (SIS) data for Summit Learning
- 2. Get a Clever account
- 3. Add the Summit Learning application in Clever
- 4. Share data with Summit Learning in Clever
- 5. [Optional] Share additional data
1. Prepare your Student Information System (SIS) data for Summit Learning
Make sure that you include the following information when you're preparing your SIS data to sync:
For teachers |
For students |
For sections |
Keep in mind that you’ll need a process to share any new teachers, students, or sections (ex: if a new student enrolls, or a new section is created) with Clever throughout the school year so that the platform remains up to date.
2. Get a Clever account
In order to sync the platform with Clever, your school or district needs to create a Clever account. You can see if your district has a Clever account by visiting and searching for your school. To get started creating an account, email with the following information:
- Your district name
- Your Student Information System (SIS)
- Your district technology point of contact
- How you want to share data
3. Add the Summit Learning application in Clever
- Log into your district Clever Account at
- Click Applications on the left-hand sidebar
- Click Add Applications
- Search for Summit Learning Platform
- Next to Summit Learning Platform, click Select
- Under Selected Applications, click Next
- Under Confirm Applications, click Finish
4. Share data with Summit Learning in Clever
We recommend sharing all data for selected schools. You can share data with us before it's finalized in your SIS. Once you're syncing the Summit Learning Platform with Clever, all changes that you make to your SIS will transfer over to the platform.
- Click on the Summit Learning Platform application on your Clever dashboard
- On the next page, click Data Sharing
- Select the name of the school that is joining the Summit Learning Program and click Save Changes
- Click to the Overview tab. Verify that you are sharing the following information with Summit Learning. Note that it's okay if you share extra information:
- First name
- Last name
- Google Apps for Education Office 365 email address
- Grade level
- First name
- Last name
- Google Apps for Education or Office 365 email address
- Section Name
- School
Course Number (ex: M101)- strongly recommended
5. [Optional] Share additional data
During the 2022-2023 school year, schools will be able to opt-in to reports of platform data separated by specific student demographic information. This data will help schools better understand how different groups of students are performing to ensure greater equity around instructional practices.
To opt-in to these reports, schools will need to share additional data through Clever:
- Click on the Summit Learning Platform application on your Clever dashboard
- On the next page, choose Settings tab
- Click on Advanced Settings > Customize fields shared with > Edit Student Field
- The list on the left-hand side are all the fields in Clever that you can choose to share with the application.
- The list on the right-hand side is the list of fields that are currently being shared with the application.
4. Select ell_status on the left-hand side to move the fields to the right
5. Repeat Step 4 for iep_status and frl_status
For more information, please visit the Clever Support Center.