Manual Enrollment Setup
If your school is using Enrollment Codes, you will need to first enroll students into the Platform. To do so, you'll need to first create sections for your courses:
- Click on the Setup section from the menu on the left.
- Click Sections.
- Click Add Section.
- Select a subject and a grade level.
- Select the matching course from the curriculum. You can preview the course in a new window before you select it by clicking Preview Course.
- If you're setting up a mentor course, select Mentor.
- Click Save.
View the sections you just created and begin adding students,
1. Click on the Setup section from the menu on the left.
2. Click Sections.
3. Select the pencil icon.
4. You'll find an Enrollment Code for each section.
Once you share the Enrollment Code with your students:
- Make sure that your students are logged into their school email accounts. Instruct students to go to Have students enter the Enrollment Code, then click Join Class.
- You'll see your students listed in the Students tab from the menu on the left.
The Enrollment Code will be effective for 6 weeks. Once the Enrollment Code expires, you will need to click Get Code for a new code.
Adding students without Enrollment Codes
If a student is already enrolled on the platform, you can manually add them to a section. We recommend using Enrollment Codes for multiple students, as it is more efficient.
To add students to sections:
- Click the pencil icon next to the right of each section's name.
- Click the Students button.
- Under Add Students to this Section, enter your students' names.
- Click the confirmation button.