Focus Area Translations for ELs

Teachers can differentiate Focus Area resources or Content Assessment questions for students who are English Language Learners. 

This article includes:

How to create Focus Area resources for ELs

You can create Focus Area resources specifically for students who are English Learners (ELs) when adding new resources or editing resources.

To designate a resource specifically for students who are ELs:

  1. Look for the SDAIE Resource section at the bottom of the New Resource/Edit Resource box
  2. Check the box next to Only show this resource to English Language Learners
  3. Click Save Changes

Note: Only students who are marked as ELs will be able to see these resources. Students who are ELs will also be able to see all other resources.

How to translate content assessment questions

If you have students who are English Learners (ELs), you can add Spanish translations for Content Assessment questions:

  1. From a Focus Area page, click Edit Translations under Teacher Tools
  2. Add the translations for the question and answer choices for each Content Assessment question
  3. In the upper right, click ← Previous or Next → to move to a different question
  4. Click Save Changes

Note: Students who are ELs will only see the translated Content Assessment if all questions have been translated.

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