Creating and Copying Courses

You can create courses for your curriculum by copying courses originally created by Summit Learning, or by creating new courses (ex: electives, or other types of special courses). Summit Learning has partnered with the Stanford Center for Assessment, Learning and Equity (SCALE) to ensure that Projects reach the gold standard for Project-based learning and performance assessments. We encourage you to rely on this resource to minimize the number of curricula that you need to create from scratch. Keep in mind that you can always add your own Focus Areas and Projects to your copied course.

In this article, you'll find instructions on how to:

Create a new course

  1. Click on the Curriculum section from the menu on the left, then click on Courses.
  2. Confirm the school year in the upper right corner.
  3. Click Create a new course in the upper right corner.
  4. Enter the name of the course, and select the subject, grade level, and school year. To share your curriculum with colleagues from other schools and districts, check the box next to Allow teachers from other schools and districts to use this course.
  5. Choose if you would like to Auto-accept updates from the current year's Base Curriculum or not.
  6. Click Add Course.
  7. Add Projects or Math Units and Focus Areas to the course.

Copy a course into the following year

1. Click on a course from your list of courses or from the Curriculum page

2. Click Copy Course in the upper right

3. Choose the school year for the copied course, give the course a unique name, then click Copy


Copy a course from Base Curriculum

  1. Click on the Curriculum section from the menu on the left, then click on Courses.
  2. Change the dropdown from your school's name to Base Curriculum, then click into the course you'd like to copy.
  3. Click Copy Course.
  4. Choose the school year for the copied course, then click Copy. Keep in mind that copying a course may take several minutes, but you'll receive a notification when the course has finished copying. The copied course should now appear under your school's Library.

Copy a course from another school

As long as Curriculum Sharing is enabled, schools can view and copy the curriculum from other schools into their own platform. To do this, the school that owns the curriculum should first make sure Curriculum sharing is enabled.

  1. To enable curriculum sharing in a course:
  2. Go to the course and click Edit Course 
  3. Click Settings on the top right
  4. Toggle Curriculum sharing on


Once the course has sharing enabled, you can send the course URL to anyone at another site.

The teacher from the other site can go to that course where they will see a Copy Course button on the top of the page. This will copy the entire Course, including all Projects/Math Units and Focus Areas, into their site.


If the teacher at the other school wants to copy a Project or Math Unit only, they can click into the Project or Math Unit from the Course to see the Copy Project button. They can then choose which Course in their school to copy the Project into.

Copy a project/Math Unit

  1. Click on the Edit Project/Edit Math Unit on the top left of your project/Math Unit.
  2. Select Copy Project/Copy Math Unit at the top right of the page.copy_a_project.png
  3. Optional. Add the course you want to copy your project/Math Unit into.
  4. Choose which academic year the project/Math Unit should be copied to, then select Copy

Copy a Focus Area

  1. Select the Focus Area, then select Edit Focus Area
  2. Scroll to the bottom, then select Copy.
  3. Add the course you want to copy your Focus Area into.
  4. Select Save.  
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