Editing Content and Diagnostic Assessment Questions

Teachers who are Curriculum Authors can create their own questions in Focus Areas. If the Focus Area is shared between multiple teachers and courses, the edits will be reflected in all teachers' Focus Areas. 

This article will cover how to edit Content Assessments and Diagnostic Assessments:

How do I create non-Math Assessment questions?


To create a new question:

  1. Under the Questions section of an objective, click Create Question.
  2. Select the question type:
    • Multiple Choice: Standard multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
    • Check Boxes (Multiple Choice Multiple Correct): Multiple choice questions with more than one correct answer, and students will need to identify all answers.
    • Explicit Response: Questions where students will need to type in a response.
  3. Select whether the question is an Assessment Question or a Diagnostic Question.
  4. Enter the Question, as well as the Answers.
    • Multiple Choice: Include one correct answer, and select the correct answer on the left, as well as many incorrect answers as you’d like.
    • Check Boxes (Multiple Choice Multiple Correct): Include all correct answers, and select the correct answers on the left, as well as many incorrect answers as you’d like.
    • Explicit Response: Include as many correct answers as you’d like, but students will only need to type in one of the correct answers. Student responses are matched exactly to your correct answer choices, but you can indicate if the correct answer must be case-sensitive.
  5. Add optional Supporting Text.
  6. Add optional Supporting Images.
  7. Click Save Changes.

How do I create Math Assessment questions?

Please note: these steps are for creating Assessment questions with Focus Areas, not End-of-Unit Assessments within Math Units. 

You can use the rich text editor to create, edit, and format math expressions for Content Assessment questions:

  1. On a Focus Area page, click Create Question under the objective you’d like to add the question to.
  2. Select the question type:
    • Multiple Choice: Standard multiple choice questions with one correct answer.
    • Check Boxes (Multiple Choice Multiple Correct): Multiple choice questions with more than one correct answer, and students will need to identify all answers.
    • Explicit Response: Questions where students will need to type in a response.
  3. Select whether the question is an Assessment Question or a Diagnostic Question.
  4. Enter your math expression in the box that appears. You’ll see your formatted math expression appear as a preview in the text box.
  5. In the lower right corner, click Save Changes to save your Content Assessment question.

You can click on a math expression to edit it after it’s been created. Learn more about the syntax you may need to create math expressions.

How do I edit Assessment questions?

To edit an existing Content or Diagnostic Assessment question:

  1. Within the Focus Area, click on the question you want to edit under the Objective's Questions section.Select
  2. Click Edit at the bottom of the question modal.Edit
  3. From there, you will have a few options:
    • Delete the question.
    • Copy the question to preserve the current question and allow you to edit a copy of it.
    • Move To..., which will allow you to move the question to another objective within the Focus Area.
    • Report the question if you feel like the question is incorrectirrelevant, or missing resources.
    • Change the question from a Diagnostic Question to an Assessment Question or vice versa.
    • Edit the question to change the question itself, the offered answers, or to edit or add supporting resources (such as pictures) to the question.
  4. Once you're done modifying the question, click Save Changes.

How do I change calculator settings on an assessment?

To change calculator settings on an assessment:

1. Click into a Focus Area you want to make changes to 
2. Click Edit Focus Area
3. Click into the Calculator drop-down menu and choose the option you want for the given Focus Area


Information about each setting:

  • Calculator not relevant: The default setting for Focus Areas that have no need for a calculator (i.e. an English Focus Area).
  • No calculator allowed: This setting should be used for math or science Focus Areas that explicitly do not allow calculators. When this setting is chosen, a Content Assessment will have a grey warning bar on the top indicating calculators are not allowed.
  • Four-function calculator allowed: A four-function calculator performs the basic arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • Scientific calculator allowed: For more information on the Scientific calculator, click here.
  • Graphic calculator allowed: For more information on the Graphic calculator, click here.
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