Editing Projects

This article will cover how to edit Projects:

How do I edit projects? 

Once you've created or copied a Project, you can edit the Project to add or edit the Final Product(s), Checkpoints, activities, and resources. From the Project page, click Edit Project in the upper right to make changes to the following sections:

Project Info

  • Project Name: Edit the name of the Project
  • Courses: Enter and select the Course you’d like the Project to belong to. A project can be in multiple Courses
  • Project Info: You can change the Essential Question, Enduring Understanding, and the Description of the Project. You can also view the Foundation Supports and Modifications provided by the Curriculum Team
  • Decide whether you'd like the Project to be supplementary by checking the Supplementary Project checkbox. Supplementary Projects can be added to courses toward the end of the year for projects that will be completed after school has already ended
  • Decide whether you'd like to allow teachers from other schools and districts to use this Project by checking the Curriculum Sharing checkbox. 

Final Product

  • Add Cognitive Skills to your Project where it says, "The final products will be assessed on:". You can click View Rubric to see the rubrics for the Skills associated with the Project
  • Final Product: Click on the titles of the Final Products to edit the details related to each Final Product. You can also add your own by selecting Add Final Product. Type the title and a description of the Final Product you will assess at the end of the Project. You should attach a default template file for the Final Product. When assigned to students, each student will receive their own editable copy of this template. You can attach a blank Google document, copy an existing Google document from your Google Drive, or Create New Notebook. Click Save.

Focus Areas

Focus Areas are not automatically associated with projects by default. To associate a Focus Area with a project, check the box next to the Power, Additional, or Challenge Focus Areas. These changes will be saved once you click Finish Editing.

Please note that associating a Focus Area with a project will not match the Focus Area due date to the project due date. 

Project Plan

  • Checkpoints: You can view all the Checkpoints for the Project here. To add your own, click Add Checkpoint. Type the title and any relevant details for the work you want students to get feedback on before completing the Final Product. You can attach a blank Google document or copy an existing Google document from your Google Drive or Create New Notebook. Additionally, you can check the boxes next to any of the relevant Cognitive Skills you added to the Final Product for this particular Checkpoint. Click Save
  • Activities and Resources: You can view the Activities and Resources that are under each Checkpoint and add your own. Click Add Activity or Add Resource under the relevant Checkpoint. Type the title and any relevant details for your Activities and Resources. You can attach a blank Google document or copy an existing Google document from your Google Drive or Create New Notebook. For resources, you can also include links to websites or videos
  • Additional Resources: Add any other activities and resources that don't fall under a Checkpoint in this section by clicking Add Activity or Add Resource

Teaching Materials

  • Pacing: The amount of time it will take to complete the Project
  • Materials: The supply list for the Project. Click Add to upload your own list of supplies from your Google Drive. Keep in mind that if you change this file in your Google Drive later, you'll have to re-upload it for others to see the changes
  • Standards: The standards that the Project covers

When you’re finished editing the Project, click Save and Close to exit.

Keep in mind that the Project will save automatically while you are editing each section. You can see what time the Project was last saved at the bottom of the page.

Once you edit a Project, you will not be able to accept updates to the Project from the Base Curriculum without overriding your edits. In order to both preserve your edits and accept updates, you will have to manually update the Project by editing it to mirror the changes made in the Base Curriculum. Learn more about Accepting Project Updates.

How do I add Checkpoints, Activities and Resources to a project? 

Once you've created a Project, you can add Checkpoints, Activities, and Resources to the Project. You can also copy existing Activities and Resources from one Project to another.

Checkpoints allow students to get feedback on work before completing the Final Product of a Project. To add Checkpoints to a Project:

  1. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  2. Under Project Plan, click Checkpoints
  3. Click circle_black_plus.png Add Checkpoint.
  4. Enter the title and any details for the Checkpoint.
  5. Indicate whether students will submit a document, Web link (ex: websites, videos), or Nothing
  6. If students will submit a document, you'll need to indicate whether students will be given a blank Notebook, Google presentation, or Google spreadsheet, or if you'll be providing a custom template. If you provide a custom template, students will receive their own copy of the template to submit via the Summit Learning platform. You can choose a Google Doc from your Google Drive, which will be converted automatically into a Notebook. You may also create a New Notebook directly.

  7. Click Save
  8. Click Finish Editing to finish editing the Project

To add Activities and Resources to a Project:

  1. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  2. Under Project Plan, click Activities and Resources
  3. Click circle_black_plus.png Add Activity or Add Resource under the Checkpoint you'd like to add to
  4. Enter the title and any details for the Activities and Resources. For Activities, indicate whether you're having students fill out a document, or Nothing. For Resources, indicate whether you're attaching a Web link (ex: websites, videos), Notebook, or another file from your computer
  5. If students will be filling out a document, you'll need to indicate whether students will be given a blank Notebook, Google presentation, or Google spreadsheet, or if you'll be providing a custom template. If you provide a custom template, students will receive their own copy of the template to submit via the Summit Learning platform. You can choose a Google Doc from your Google Drive which will be converted automatically into a Notebook. You may also create a New Notebook directly.
  6. Click Save
  7. Click Finish Editing to finish editing the Project

If you'd like to copy an Activity or a Resource from another Project to your own Project:

  1. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  2. Under Project Plan, click Activities and Resources
  3. Click the name of the Activity or Resource you'd like to copy
  4. Towards the bottom of the screen, click the copy icon copy_paper_icon.png
  5. Select the Course and the Project you'd like to copy the Activity or Resource to, then click Copy

You can rearrange Checkpoints, Activities, or Resources by clicking and dragging.

You can also add teaching materials to Checkpoints, Resources, Activities, and Final Products in Projects. These teaching materials can only be viewed by teachers, and not by your students. Learn more about the differences between Checkpoints, Activities, and Resources and how they form a Project Plan.

How do I add teaching materials to Checkpoints, Activities, Resources, and Final Products? 

You can add teaching materials to Checkpoints, Activities, Resources, and Final Products in Projects. These teaching materials are only visible to teachers and are not shown to students. To add teaching materials:

  1. Click into the desired Project
  2. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  3. To add teaching materials to the Final Product, go to the Final Product section and click on the title of the Final Product. To add teaching materials to Checkpoints, Activities, or Resources, go to the Project Plan section and click on the title of the Checkpoint, Activity, or Resource
  4. Click Add Teaching Materials in the lower left corner
  5. Add any notes for other teachers, or click Add Resource to add resources for other teachers, then click Save
  6. Click Save to exit the Final Product, Checkpoint, Activity, or Resource
  7. Click Finish Editing to return to the Project page.

You can then find teaching materials on the Project Overview page or within Checkpoints. These materials will be marked with a lock symbol:


How do I add and remove Resources from students' projects? 

You can add and remove Resources from student's Projects.

To add resources to your students’ Projects:

  1. From a Project page, click Assign Project
  2. Confirm the students who have been assigned the Project, then click Next
  3. Click on the Resource you'd like to add. You can find resources nested under Checkpoints, as well as under Additional Resources
  4. Select which students will be able to access the Resource
  5. Click Save

To remove resources from your students’ Projects:

  1. From a Project page, click Assign Project
  2. Confirm the students who have been assigned the Project, then click Next
  3. Click on the Resource you'd like to remove. You can find resources nested under Checkpoints, as well as under Additional Resources
  4. Select which students you would like to unassign the Resource from
  5. Click Save

How do I add Final Products to a project? 

You will assess students' Cognitive Skills on Final Products. Final Products are assigned to students when you assign the Project, and can't be assigned at a later date. By assigning Final Products at the same time as the Project, students should be able to understand expectations for Final Products when they begin working on Projects.

To add a Final Product to a Project:

  1. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  2. Click Final Product, then click circle_black_plus.png Add Final Product
  3. Enter the title and any details for the Final Product. You can specify whether students can submit a draft for feedback
  4. Indicate whether students will submit a document, Web link (ex: websites, videos), or Nothing
  5. If students will submit a document, you'll need to indicate whether students will be given a blank Notebook, Google presentation, or Google spreadsheet, or if you'll be providing a custom template. If you provide a custom template, students will receive their own copy of the template to submit via the Summit Learning platform. You can choose a Google Doc from your Google Drive, which will be converted automatically into a Notebook. You may also create a New Notebook directly.
  6. Select which Cognitive Skills you'd like to assess in this Final Product. You can add descriptions for the Cognitive Skills
  7. Add any teaching materials you'd like other teachers to be able to view
  8. Click Save
  9. Click Finish Editing to finish editing the Project

 How do I delete Final Products from a project? 

To delete a Final Product from a Project

  1. From the Project page, click Edit Project
  2. Click Final Product, then click into a Final Product
  3. Scroll down and click the trash can icon to delete the Final Product

*If the Final Product has already been assigned to your students, your students will no longer be able to see or work in the Final Product.

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