Assigning Projects

This article will cover how to assign projects. Learn how to assign math units here.

How do I assign Projects? 

Assign Project

First: Assign Final Product(s)

  1. From the project page, click Assign Project
  2. If you teach multiple sections, you can specify the section you’d like to assign in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the start date and due date.
    • A short time span of less than 2 weeks will make the project small and difficult to find on the student's Year page.
  4. Select Final Product(s).
    • Click on the final product to select 
    • You can select "All" to select all final products
  5.  Select student(s).
    • Click "Assign All Students" to automatically assign the project to all students in the section,
    • or check the box to the left of a student’s name to individually assign the project to a student.
  6. Click “Next".

Next: Assign Checkpoints

  1. Select Checkpoints to assign to students. The selected Checkpoint will be highlighted in light blue.
    • To assign to all students, click “Assign All”
    • To assign to students individually, check the box to the left of a student’s name
  2. To assign all resources and activities, select the entire Checkpoint. 
  3. Click “Close” or “Assign differentiated resource”. 

(Optional) Next: Differentiate Resources

  1. Select Assign dropdown next to the resource.
  2. Students with recommended resources will have “RECOMMENDED” next to their name.
    • You can click on the information icon to see what recommendations are based on—such as latest Cognitive Skills scores, Learners Groups you've created, or learning needs identified in students' Specialized Support Profiles.


    3. Select resources to assign to students:

    • To assign to all students, click “All Students"
    • To assign to students individually, check the box to the left of a student’s name

    4. Click “Close” to return to the project’s overview page

You can also assign differentiated resources to students from directly on the Overview and Plans page. See how to do so here.

How do I change Project due dates? 

To change a Project due date:

  1. From the Project page, click Assign Project.
  2. Select the new due date for the Project. This new due date will apply to all students who have already been assigned the project unless they have a different due date (in parentheses) next to their name.
  3. You can change an individual student's due date by clicking the three dots ⋮ to the right of the student's name, then clicking Customize project due date.

  4. Click Next.
  5. You can leave the current Checkpoint and Activities/Resources assignments as they are. 
  6. Click Save. To return to the project’s overview page, click Close.

How do I edit Projects after they are assigned? 

You can now update Checkpoints and Final Products with new documents, even after you’ve assigned a project to your students:

  1. From the project page, click Edit Project.
  2. Click Final Product to update a Final Product, or click Project Plan to update documents for any of your Checkpoints.
  3. Under Custom Template, you can upload a new Google Document from your Google Drive or Create New Notebook. You’ll first be notified how many students will be affected by the update. Click Replace to upload the new Google Document.


  4. Students who have already started working on the Checkpoint or Final Product will receive a new Notebook, and any previous work done will be moved to this new Notebook. If the document is a Slide or Spreadsheet, they will receive a new document. 

Check out how students can retrieve their old work. 

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