This article will cover how teachers can check in with mentees:
The Mentoring Tool allows mentors to take notes about their mentor check-ins, so there is an easy way to reference details from previous check-ins and see how mentees are progressing. For some types of Mentoring notes, mentors have the option of sharing the notes with their mentees. There are multiple types of Mentoring notes within the Mentoring Tool, each with a different purpose and levels of permission:
Check-in Notes
Check-in Notes are notes that mentors take during their Mentoring check-in sessions. By default, these notes are not shared with the mentee, but mentors can choose to check the “Share” checkbox while writing the note to make the notes visible to the mentee.
To take notes during a check-in:
- From the Mentor page, click on the mentee’s name
- From the mentee’s page, click the Start button to start the check-in
- At the bottom of the check-in fly-out, you can add notes in the Notes box
- If you’d like to share the notes with your mentee, check the “Share with..” checkbox. If you do not want to share the notes with your mentee, then keep the “Share with…” checkbox unchecked
- Once the check-in is over, click Finish Check-in
- The notes you recorded during the check-in can be found on the left hand-side of the mentee’s Mentor page
- If you shared selected “Share with…” during the check-in, your mentee can view these notes on their Progress Page
Mentor Notes
Mentor Notes: On a student’s Mentoring Tab, mentors can write general notes about students in their mentor section. These Mentor Notes are only viewable to mentors of the student and platform users with admin permissions.
Progress Page Notes
Progress Page Notes: Teachers and mentors of a student can write notes on the student’s Progress Page, and have the option to share these notes with the student. Students can view shared Progress Page Notes, in addition to shared Check-in Notes, on their Progress Page.
What Types of Mentoring Notes can I see while Viewing As?
When viewing as a student or another teacher at your site, you will only be able to view the Check-in Notes and check-in pre-work answers for students that you have access to. If the user you’re viewing as has access to additional students’ notes or pre-work, you will not be able to view them.
When viewing as another teacher at your site and attempting to view the Mentoring or Progress tab for a student that you don’t currently teach or mentor, you will see the following:
- All check-ins for the student show “There are no notes from this check-in”
- All student check-in pre-work answers appear as “You skipped this”
- No Mentor Notes are shown
When viewing as a student that you do not currently mentor or teach, the banner on the student’s Week page appears as “You’d all set with your next mentoring check-in“, regardless of whether or not they have completed the pre-work for their next check-in.
Admin are able to view all students’ Mentor Notes and check-in pre-work answers when viewing other teachers or students at their site.