Archives (2020-2021)

2020 - 2021 School Year

Where are the legal documents that apply to the Summit Learning program for the 2020-2021 school year?

Revised terms will be made available for the 2020-21 school year to clarify our terms and conditions, as well as our data security information. We’ve also made these resources easier to access for school leaders, teachers, and parents. 

Some of the changes (compared to the terms for the 2019-2020 school year) are described below. None of these changes impact how the Summit Learning platform collects or uses student personal data.

Here are the legal terms that apply to each school or districts:

  • Program Agreement 
    • Added language to clarify that terms are between school districts (“Local Education Agency”) and T.L.P. Education.
    • Removed detailed language describing professional development and moved online to Program Requirements page.
    • Consolidated indemnification language.
  • Data Privacy Addendum 
    • Added a commitment to respond within 30 days to a school’s request to view or correct PII contained in a student’s Pupil Record held by Summit Learning Platform
    • Simplified and consolidated the language to make it clearer.
  • Terms of Service (effective June 22, 2020)
    • Removed provisions that are applicable to individual users but not relevant for districts or schools. Examples include plain language explanations, Service Rules, text message guidelines.
    • Removed duplicative provisions that are covered in Program Agreement. Examples include indemnification, limitation of liability and governing law.


Here are the legal terms that apply to individual users:

  • User Agreement (effective June 22, 2020)
    • Added provisions from Terms of Service that are applicable to individual users. Examples include account protection and termination, content licensing, and more content on Privacy and Security.
    • Simplified the language to make it clearer.
  • Privacy Policy (effective June 22, 2020
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