How do I edit or delete sections?

Note: If your school is using Clever, you'll need to sync your Student Information System (SIS) with Clever. Learn more about using Clever vs. signup code enrollment.

You can make edits to sections that you've already created:

  1. Click on the Setup section from the menu on the left.
  2. Click Sections.
  3. To the right of a section, click ic_mode_edit_black_24dp_2x.png.
  4. Select the tab for the content you wish to edit.


    • To edit the name of a section, enter the new name under Basic information, then click Save.
    • To add co-teachers to the section, click Teachers, then enter the name or email address of the teacher you'd like to add under Add teachers to this section, then click Add Teacher.
    • To add students to the section, click Students, then enter the name or email address of the teacher you'd like to add under Add students to this section, then click Add student. Note: Adding students to sections only works for non-Clever sections.

Please also note that when adding teachers or students to a section, they must already have been added to the platform. 

To delete a section that is no longer in use:

  1. Click on the Setup section from the menu on the left.
  2. Click Sections.
  3. To the right of a section, click ic_mode_edit_black_24dp_2x.png.
  4. Click Delete this section, then check the box to the left of Permanently delete.
  5. Click Delete section.
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