Where can I see my child’s work?

As a parent/guardian, you may want to see what your child is working on at school.  From the menu on the left, you can explore this through 3 different avenues: 


In the Week section, your child can plan and set goals for focus areas and checkpoints they are working on. Clicking on a goal will take you to the corresponding focus area or Project it is associated with.


The Year section shows your child’s progress across all subjects. Scroll down to see each of your child’s courses, as well as the Projects and focus areas for each course.  

The vertical blue line is the pacing line, and it indicates where your child should be today in order to be on track, or on-pace, to complete a given course by the end of the school year. Projects and focus areas to the left of the line are either completed or behind schedule, while all Projects and focus areas to the right of the line are upcoming in the school year. Students are free to work on focus areas ahead of time or return to previous focus areas for review at any time.  You can toggle to past or future school years by clicking on the left or right arrows at the top right of the page.

Note: Projects that have been assigned are sized proportionally, depending on the start and end dates of the Projects. For example, a longer Project will take up more space than a shorter Project.  Projects that are unassigned, as well as all focus areas, are spaced equally and are presented at the same width.

How do I see my child's specific assignments?

You can view your child's specific assignments by clicking into a project. Once you are viewing a project, you can click into the individual assignments to see your student's progress as well as the teachers' written feedback. 

  1. Go to your child's Year Page
  2. Click into a project
  3. Click into a checkpoint or final product


4. See your child's progress and the teacher's comments


In the Progress section, you can view everything your child recently worked on, a summary of his/her goals for each week, and a space to view notes from teachers and mentors.

You can also view your child’s grades in each of their classes based on their current pace. Keep in mind that these grades are not final until the school year ends and may change whenever students complete Projects or pass Content Assessments.  By clicking into each course, you will receive a detailed grade summary.






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